How to Not Let a Midlife Crisis Stop You From Living Your Best Life


Midlife crises are one of those strange phenomena that many people are likely to go through at a certain age, but few are willing to admit or even talk about. However, it’s important not to hide or suppress these troublesome feelings, as they can only do more harm than good. So, here are some helpful tips to overcome this temporary moment of crisis so that it doesn’t prevent you from living your best life. 

Don’t forget to visit HONEYBUNNYTWEE to find relevant posts and information about what it means to live well, no matter what stage of life you’re in. 

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How Mental Health Care Can Unlock a New Career


How is your mental health today? If it’s a question you would rather ignore, you are probably one of the many U.S. adults who feel their mental health needs are not met by healthcare and social support. Indeed, Mental Health America is committed to the promotion of mental health as part of everyday wellness. The increase in depressive disorders since the pandemic has been alarming. 

But, thankfully, not everyone feels powerless. More and more Americans are considering unconventional approaches to support their mental health journey. Of course, medical follow-up is instrumental to your recovery or day-to-day management. However, healthy routines and habits can also help manage mood swings, negative thoughts, and increased stress levels. In other words, while mental health problems have increased during the pandemic, Americans have shown resilience and creativity in their responses. But have you ever considered that your mental health journey could also be beneficial to others? Here are some ideas to turn your mental health passion into a side hustle.

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4 Ways to Stop Procrastinating Before it Happens


As a busy person, the chances are that you lean into procrastination more than anybody else. It’s a self destructive behavior, and you have to fight yourself more than you fight anything else. Instead of paying attention to all the hard work that you need to do, you’re paying attention to your social media, or anything else that requires you to work hard. It’s not because you are adverse to working hard, but because you know that relaxation and procrastination often feel better than actually working. It’s very easy to procrastinate and waste your own time – we’ve all been there.

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Take It Down a Gear: 4 Ways To Minimize Stressful Driving


If you are feeling the stress of the modern world, it’s safe to say you’re not alone! Everybody can feel a sense of anxiety based on certain situations. One of the best examples is when we’re behind the wheel. To be a successful driver you need to be completely focused and calm. It is essential that we control our emotions and reduce our stress levels on the road because if we are stressed out, we could cause an accident, or we could easily descend into road rage and aggression. So what does it really take to help us avoid stressful driving and anxiety when we’re behind the wheel? 

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4 Reasons To Quit Drinking 


Drinking to excess is something that can ruin many lives, and not just the life of the person who is doing the drinking. Families can be destroyed and relationships can fall apart because of alcohol when it becomes a habit that can’t easily be quit. Other than making us act differently from normal and perhaps giving us a more argumentative or even violent personality, alcohol is bad for our physical and even mental health as well. Although a social drink is not a problem, when it becomes something that you can’t stop, it really can be damaging. Here are some reasons to quit drinking – your life could be so much better for it

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