4 Common Problems That Require Dental Braces

A Washington Post research revealed that approximately 4.5 million Americans currently wear dental braces, with 80% aged six to eighteen. Dental braces are highly effective for correcting teeth alignment problems, making them a popular choice among people. Therefore, you’ll find this article enlightening should you wish to align your dentition and improve your smile. That said, here are four common problems that require braces. 

4 Common Problems That Require Dental Braces

4 Common Problems That Require Dental Braces honeybunnytwee


An open bite is usually characterized by a gaping space between the upper and lower front teeth, even when the mouth is closed. However, there is no case of overlapping in this type of orthodontic problem. While the dental brace is the best form of treatment for children, adults with a severe case of openbite may require jaw surgery to correct it.

Although some people have the openbite due to genetic reasons, others are due to external factors like sucking the thumb or fingers (in children) or regular tongue thrusting. According to dentists, people with overbites tend to have excessive deterioration of the remaining teeth that contact each other.


Crowding occurs when there is insufficient room in the oral cavity to accommodate new teeth. Besides, the teeth may grow in awkward angles and the wrong places, leading to crooked teeth and chipping. Even worse, it may become challenging to clean the teeth properly. Usually, people with crowding in the oral cavity become excessively conscious about smiling or speaking in public.

When left untreated, it can lead to depression and low self-esteem. If you have this particular dentition problem, you can research crooked teeth repair alternatives. However, your dentist or orthodontist will provide a lasting solution to bring you your smile back.


An overbite or buck teeth refers to the upper front teeth’ extension over the lower ones. Dentists indicate that about 65% of people have a slight case of overbite in America and worldwide. However, they are not problematic because they don’t come with the associated signs and symptoms as in severe cases.

Severe overbite is characterized by trauma to the upper gum located behind the front teeth. Sometimes, there can be a restriction in the proper growth of the lower jaw bone. In this situation, the orthodontist may require the person to wear braces for one or two years until a noticeable outcome is achieved.


With an underbite, the lower front teeth and jawbone extend over the upper front teeth and jawbone. Moreover, a more concerning issue with an underbite is its discomfort and tendency to become even worse with age. For example, a child with uncorrected underbite will have a more pronounced jawbone as they grow older. 

Therefore, it is best to deal with this problem at a younger age. Treatment options for adults can be pretty cumbersome and will include devices to alter the width of the upper jaw. Once that is successfully done, the orthodontist will then deal with the proper positioning of the affected teeth.

You require a trained professional (the orthodontist) to fix your braces effectively. Although they may cause some discomfort in the first few weeks, the result will be worth it once you adjust to them.

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