6 Effective Ways To Combat Stress

Stress is a totally normal emotion to feel. Although most people try to avoid stress when possible, it can be advantageous in certain situations. When you have a deadline at work, for example, stress will help to motivate you so that you remain productive and get the job done. However, when stress begins to overwhelm you, it can take a toll, triggering serious issues that put you at risk. To improve your health, here are six things that you can do to combat stress. 

6 Effective Ways To Combat Stress

6 Effective Ways To Combat Stress
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1. Work Out Every Day

Everyone knows that exercise is necessary for good physical health. However, it plays a huge part in improving your mental health too. When you exercise, your body releases chemicals which improve mood and naturally kill pain. Working out is also a great way to distract yourself from whatever is bothering you. Try to find an exercise routine you enjoy and work out daily. 

2. Kick That Smoking Habit

Many people turn to cigarettes when they feel stressed. The trouble is, as well as the obvious health risks, nicotine doesn’t actually do you any good. Although you might feel calmer for a short time, nicotine is a stimulant and therefore only brings on more stress symptoms. Quitting smoking won’t be easy, but it is one of the very best things that you can do for your overall health.

3. Wear A Happy Smile

Smiling is likely the last thing you want to do when feeling stressed. This is especially true if you don’t like your teeth. However, after working with a cosmetic dentist, like Walden Dental, you will have no excuses. The physical act of smiling can trick your brain into thinking that you’re happy. Because of this, you should wear a happy grin no matter what mood you are in. 

6 Effective Ways To Combat Stress
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4. Spend Time With Friends

Social support from family and friends can help you to get through particularly stressful times. Being a part of a close group of friends will give you a sense of self-worth and belonging, which helps in tough times. Having friends also means that you have people to talk about your issues with and get new perspectives. If you haven’t seen your friends in a while, then plan to meet up.

6 Effective Ways To Combat Stress
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5. Lend Your Helping Hand

Helping people in worse situations than yours will help to put your problems into perspective. It also provides a much-needed distraction and a feeling of self-worth. Volunteering, therefore, whether it be at a soup kitchen, animal shelter, or elsewhere, can be beneficial. Those that don’t have time to volunteer could donate to charities or find small ways to help people every day. 

6. Speak To A Professional

Stress isn’t always something that you can deal with alone. If you often feel overwhelmed by feelings of stress and can’t seem to shake them, then you must ask for help. Loved ones can offer support and helpful suggestions, but you might want to speak to a professional too. They can advise stress-management tips that most people wouldn’t even think to suggest. 

To improve your overall health, follow the advice above, and combat your stress.

How Do You Combat Stress?

10 thoughts on “6 Effective Ways To Combat Stress

  1. I definitely love to workout to combat stress. It improves my mindset, my energy is shifted and releases tension. I also find spending time with family and friends also helps. Especially since my crew always make me smile and we have barrel roll, cheeks hurting from so much laughter.

  2. For me exercise is the best from of stress release. I get up every morning and start my day with some form of exercise and now stretching. Music is also a stress reliever for me. I can put on a playlist and get lost int he music and forget all my problems. Stress causes so many health problems that it’s best to figure out what is triggering your stress and cut it off at the pass.

  3. It’s so hard to commit to working out everyday but man do I feel better about myself and life in general when I do! I’m currently trying to motivate myself to get moving today so we’ll see how that goes! I appreciate that you added the final tip to seek professional help if needed. People need to know and be constantly reminded that it is ok to seek help for mental health when you need it.

  4. Wonderful tips on how to deal with stress! I know that going for a nice long walk in nature always helps boost me up when I need it. Also, you are so right about the smoking thing! I started smoking about six months ago after having quit for three years. I started again becasue I was going through an extremely stressful time in my life. I thought that the cigarettes would help! Go figure they didn’t. In reality they just made me more anxious because I was always craving a cigarette! So after another couple of months I quit again and have been off the smokes for a few months now and feel much better!

  5. These are great tips for managing stress! I find exercise to be a big one for me. Because I have this tendency to close myself off in my office and just keep working away until I am done, and then some more just for good measure. So getting out and taking a break is huge for me. My husband and I have been making it a point to go for walks lately, and it is really helping. Plus, when we are out walking, I can chat with him about my goals too, and gain that support from him. It’s a win/win for me.

  6. Spending time with friends has really helped me when I’ve been stressed. The past two weeks have been crazy, but in the midst of it, I had “club” night with my friends. Since it’s only once a month, you try not to miss. Even though I missed out on sleep and my feet were dragging the next day, it was well worth going.

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