The Incredible Benefits Of Being Creative

Do you enjoy painting, drawing, writing or arts and crafts? Are you a talented baker or songwriter, or do you have designs on mastering new creative skills in the future? Whether creative activities form part of your job, or they’re just a hobby, there are several benefits to letting your creative juices flow. 

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Wellness Wednesday: 10 Ways to End Bad Habits During Times of Stress By Wasifa Ahmad Hasan / Rosemary Lombardy

It will be almost impossible to find someone without stress. It affects our everyday lives and creates a huge impact on our daily habits. It’s very common to develop negative habits as a way to cope with daily stress and disappointments. Some drown their sorrows in food or alcohol, others numb themselves in front of the television or complain endlessly to friends without making any effort to change their situation.

Continue reading “Wellness Wednesday: 10 Ways to End Bad Habits During Times of Stress By Wasifa Ahmad Hasan / Rosemary Lombardy”

How Kickboxing Has Changed My Life for the Better!

I started kickboxing atthe end of May in 2018, and it was the best desision ever!

There are so many ways kickboxing at ILKB has changed my life, here are a few:

Weight Loss

After I started counting calories combined with exercise I have lost almost 16 pounds since August! I weighed 106 pounds in freshman year of college. After I graduated my metabolism stopped, I was drinking too much, and without proper diet and exercise I weighed over 160 pounds! In August I limited my calorie intake to about 1,360 a day and I set a goal for myself to go to kickboxing at least four times a week.

I’ve been steadily losing 1 – 1.5 pounds a week the healthy way. I may splurge here and there on my calories at parties and special events, I’m only human. I’m not depriving my body of nutrients and I make sure I always feel satisfied after a meal! My realistic goal weight is 120 pounds and at this rate I’ll be there at the latest in May of next year!

weight loss fitness pal app


I sometimes do double classes back to back. After my first class ever I was so sore that I could barely go up the stairs. I was able to complete my first full Tough Mudder (~10 miles, 20+ obstacles), something I never thought I would ever be able to do. Yes, it took me over four hours but I’m so happy that I finished strong.

tough mudder girl

Healthier Heart

After getting the heart-rate monitor I realized that my resting heart-rate was a little high (over 120 bpm). After getting into better shape it has lowered significantly. One lady who checks my heartrate when I donate platelets even said, “be a little more excited, why don’t you”.

Mindfulness and being more aware definitely helps. I work harder with the monitor on because I’m constantly trying to burn more calories than before. It’s very convenient to get the e-mails after every class that give you full workout summary. I’m in constant competition with the person I was the day before.

kickboxing heart rate

*Disclaimer this is a screenshot of a better than average class. I don’t burn this many calories everyday I usually burn around 600-700 on average*

monthly kickboxing calories

Improved Mood

It’s basically impossible to leave after class and feel negatively or in a bad mood. I feel so awesome and accomplished after each class because I’m getting closer and closer to my fitness goals! There is such a supportive group of kickboxing instructors and peers at my studio. We’re at different fitness levels with different lifestyles, but we all have a common goal: To be fitter, stronger, happier versions of ourselves!

holographic ilkb girl